There are other ways you can support the PTA, check out some of the ideas below:

Join Easy fundraising today!

Easyfundraising is partnered with brands who will donate part of what you spend online to our cause ‘Croft Primary School PTA’, without It costing you anything extra. Also, it is open to anyone! So, feel free to share with friends and family!!

Once a quarter, all donations are sent direct to the PTA bank account.

Since registering with easyfundraising we have raised over £130!

Sign Me Up!

1. Sign Up using

Provide a few details to set up an Easyfundraising profile.

2. Download our app (available on Google Play & Apple App store)

The App helps to locate all your favourite brands, notifies you when you visit a brand that donates and lets you know when you have raised a donation.

3. Track your donations.

You will be able to see how much you have raises individually and will receive updates from when the PTA gets paid.

Retailers Including

Tesco, Morrisions, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Ocado,Argos, Ebay, Amazon, John Lewis, Curry’s, Boots,Apple Store online, AO. Com , JD Williams, Sky, Wowcher, M&S, Very, ASOS, Boden, Groupon, Newlook, Clarks, George at Asda, InsureandGo,, Money supermarket, AA Brakedown, RAC Brakedown, Go Compare Trainline,, Expedia, Hotels.Com, Virgin Atlantic, Jet2, On the beach, Tui, Ticket Master, Red Letter Days, ATG Tickets, Buyagift, BT, Virgin Media, Hive, EE Homebroadband, Plusnet, Uswitch AND SO MANY MORE

Over 7,500 options infact!

Match Funding

What is match funding?

Match giving, or match funding, is a simple way to maximise the fundraising efforts of your individual PTA volunteers.

It is an informal, albeit corporate, arrangement between a company and an employee.

Usually, a company pledges to match a sum of money relating to the amount the employee has either raised or donated to a charity.

It is likely that there will be an upper limit and certain criteria applied, such as the recipient organisation being a registered charity.

Some companies will pledge time and resources instead of money, enabling their employees to support a cause during their working week.

Or a tangible service may be offered, such as the opportunity to print posters, programmes, and newsletters.